Is Snapchat’s Steamy Chat Feature “Cosmo After Dark” Too Hot to Handle?

If your kids are on Snapchat, and you don’t have any idea about how it works, I suggest you go through this right now and figure it out. And, for those who are familiar with Snapchat, then it is important to take a long hard look at what kind of content your kids are accessing online. It’s no more just the fun sharing photos and videos between friends, or any silly stories. But, it hosts a growing number of publishers posting some informative and useful content. Well, some of it is not so awesome for the kids.

Would a grown-up teen have to know X-rated stories from sex parties?  Maybe… But do you want your teen to do the same? For me, it’s a big NO!

This is a pretty challenging thing for parents to monitor. Actually, it’s nearly impossible to keep a check over the same. Recently, Snapchat introduced a new channel in its Discover section called Cosmo After Dark. This is an X-rated weekly edition that goes live every Friday at 6:00 PM and is exclusively dedicated to all this porn. And, there is nothing for the parents to turn it off. Almost all, there are no parental controls in Snapchat. This Discover section in Snapchat has been a mess from the beginning. And, Cosmo After Dark seems to include the new and more pornographic level of sexual content even by Snapchat’s standards. It is really important to protect young eyes by grabbing these screenshots straight from Snapchat.

Why has Snapchat gone to this level- allowing pornographic content to be a huge feature when they know they have the maximum number of underage users? And, yes the answer is Money.

Why this is a big problem?

Because yesterday we spoke to some students in a public middle school where students were asked to raise their hands if they used Snapchat? And, according to a rough estimate, more than 80% of students were raising their hands.

What can we do to protect our kids from accessing adult content?

If your teen has Snapchat in their phone, make sure that the birth date is accurate as this may protect them from accessing such content. If you are worried that the kid may edit his or her birth date to access the adult content, then you can lock the edit feature by changing their birth date on the phone until reaching the max attempts. If the child is younger than 13 years of age, don’t allow them to use social media.

Use sound digital parental controls and the apps like Kids Place. Filtering content, encouraging accountability and tracking their use of social media helps parents to keep the kids safer. Safety strategies are important and Kids Place is an amazing app suggested by one of my friends to childproof your device. It prevents children from downloading new apps and restricts kids to the apps that you have approved. There is also a timer lock feature in this app to stop the apps after a specified amount of time. Kids Place is adaptable for parents who have kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens. Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play to ensure that your kids are accessing only healthy online content and protected from harmful ones.

FREE Link for Safe Browser Parental Control – Blocks Adult Sites

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