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The safest search engine.
Its like Google for Kids

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Safe Search Engine for Kids and Students for a safer Access to Internet.

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Safe search for kids

Do you think your children might be on the internet looking for the wrong kind of content? Kiddoware safe search engine protect your kids from searching inappropriate content, images, videos, websites while offering safe browsing experience. Its like google for kids where only kids safe content is shown in search results.


Easy Accessability

Kiddoware safe search engine for kids also provides a custom build Chrome extension to enhance the usability and accessibility. You can simply “Install” this Chrome extension on click of a button.
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Our Products, your best ally.

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Video player

Video Player

Allows you to control a child safety lock that ensures your toddlers can only watch the child-friendly YouTube videos or any videos in your Android device.
Kids Place for Windows

Kids Place

Allows you to decide which app can be accessed by your children to secure kids in the safest & most convenient way.
Kids Ssfe browser

Safe Browser

Gives a safety net and parental space where you’ll have a peace of mind. We developed this web filter & content filtering so your kids only browse safe content!

Millions of smiles inspire us.

4.1/5 on the Google Play (OVER 38,840 RATINGS)
Delightful deal: Get 20% off our top-rated parental control app! 20% Off.  
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