Set Kids Place as Default Launcher

Huawei firmware does not follow standard android behaviour when it comes to replacing the stock launcher app. Please follow steps below if you like to enable “Lock Home Button” option (replace launcher app) with Kids Place.

  1. When you tap on “Lock Home Button” option during the initial set up process or enable the option from the parental control setting, you will see screen below:
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2. Tap on the “FIX THIS ISSUE” option and you will see the screen below:

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3. Tap on the home button (centre circle icon on bottom) to go to stock launcher. Then from stock launcher start device settings app. If Kids Place blocks this action, first temporarily add settings app as approved app in Kids Place and then tap on the device settings app from kids place home screen.

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4. Tap on “Apps and Notification” and on below screen, and you will get to screen below:

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5. Tap on “Default App” and then select “Kids Place”. You will see a message as shown below:

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6. Select “Change” and it will change Kids Place as the default launcher and lock home button to Kids Place.

7. If you run into any issues, Kids Place will still work and block apps even when the home button is not locked. Optionally you can go to kids place settings > advance settings and enable the “run in background” option to run kids place with stock Huawei launcher.

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