Remote Control User Guide

Kids Place Remote Control User Guides

Kids Place Remote Control feature must be first enabled by going to Kids Place app on your kids device > Kids Place App > Settings > Kids Place Remote Control Section. Once enabled, Kids Place Remote Control allows administrators to log into our cloud console at and remotely manage the following Kids Place functions on the user’s device the:

  1. Add/Remove apps
  2. Manage app categories
  3. Change other general Kids Place app settings
  4. Manage the Advance Timer
  5.  View reporting data
  6. Track the device location
  7. Create Geo Fences.
*Click on the images in the guide to view them full size. 

Kids Place Remote Control feature must be first enabled by going to Kids Place Parental Control and Screen Time app on your childs’ device Kids Place Remote Control allows administrators to log into our cloud console at and remotely manage the following Kids Place functions on the user’s device the:

  1. Add/Remove apps
  2. Manage app categories
  3. Change other general Kids Place app settings
  4. Manage the Advance Timer
  5.  View reporting data
  6. Track the device location
  7. Create Geo Fences.
*Click on the images in the guide to view them full size. 

User's Device Set Up

Kids Place Screen Time and Parental Control app must be installed and Kids Place Remote Control feature must be first enabled by going to Kids Place app on your kids device > Kids Place App > Settings > Kids Place Remote Control Section. 

With Kids Place already installed on the user device that you wish to remotely control, you may now start managing the device remotely via admin console.


Begin creating an account by signing in with your Google ID.  Alternately, you may create a new account or sign into an existing account.  


Once you have created your account, you have access to purchase a Remote Control License or subscription at the end of the free trial period. 

On the home screen, you will also be able to view all of the devices you have linked to your account. 

Enable Reporting so Remote Control can track and display app usage activity on your cloud console.

Enable Device Administrator Permissions for critical administrative functions, such remotely locking the device, and other features coming soon (sound alarm, wipe device, change PIN, and more). 

Once the Device Admin permissions are enabled, you will be required to set up a new security PIN to be use within the cloud console.  For added security, this PIN should be a different number than your Kids Place PIN. We recommended to save this PIN in a secure place.

Enable Location Tracking to track the device and have its location displayed on your cloud console. These permissions are also required for Geo Fencing.


Tap on the Options icon in the upper right hand corner to access the menu.

Update Server pushes data and administrative changes to Kids Place on the user device. 

Update From Server allows administrators to see how the device is currently configured before making changes.

This also comes in handy when testing the system to make sure there is proper communication with the device.

Toggle Content

Administrator's Cloud Console Guide

Go to the Kids Place Cloud Console.

You can login into the cloud console from any browser.  The homepage displays general account information. Tap on any device you wish to manage or review.


On the Remote Control Menu page you will see key actions for managing the Kids Place settings on the user device.  Under the menu bar you see these options:

Unregister Device: Removes the device from your account.

Request Config from Device: Requests Kids Place Configuration data from the device so you know exactly how Kids Place is configured on the device at that moment. 

Save and Push to Device: This sends all Kids Place configuration changes made in the cloud console to the device.

The next section of controls includes Kids Place Management, Device Management and Kids Place Health Status.


Kids Place Management

The first tab, Approved Apps, is is the equivalent of the App Manager in Kids Place on the user device. Add or block apps  by tapping on them.  

The subsection of tabs includes: 1. Categories and Layout, where you can add an app category. 2. Settings, which it the equivalent of Parental Controls in Kids Place. 3. Scheduler, which is the equivalent of the Advanced Timer in Kids Place.

In addition to these features, the Kids Place Management tab also allows administrators to Lock, Unlock and Start Kids Place.


Device Management

Under this tab you are able to tap on a listed app to uninstall it, or list the url for a new app to install it on the user’s device.  Under the push content tab, administrators are able to send urls, files and messages to the user’s device.


Kids Place Health Status

Lists the status of Kids Place and Remote Control so administrators know what apps are or not active and up to date.



To view data on the Reporting page, you must first enable enable reporting permissions on the user’s device. When permissions are enabled, you will be able to view data such as which apps where used and for how long.  This tool can help inform how administrators schedule time for app categories and specific apps.



Location tracking permissions must be enabled on the user’s device before any information is available on the cloud console.  On the Location Tracking page you can view the device location and set up a geo fence if desired.  You can request live location status and view a log of the device’s location.

Administrator's Remote Control App

To download the Administrator’s App for Remote Control on your phone of other smart device, open your phone’s browser and go to You will be promoted to login. Use the same email address you used when installing Remote Control on the user’s device.  Once you’ve logged in you will see a popup at the bottom of the screen that says, “Add KPRC Admin to Home Screen”. Press this popup and the Admin apps will be automatically downloaded and the icon added to your home screen. 

Opening the KPRC Admin app gives you access to the same administrative controls available in the cloud console. You will see which devices are linked to your account. Select the device you wish the review or update.



In the Kids Place Remote Control Administrator App you will find the following features and menu options: 

Account: Shows what devices are linked to your account and allows you to select which device you wish to review and control.

Remote Control: Here you can

  • unregister a device
  • request the device’s current configuration
  • save and push notifications
  • send a message or file to the device
  • install or uninstall an app 
  • manage Kids Place categories, layouts, approved or blocked apps and settings.

Reporting: View stats on app usage.

Location Tracking: View the location of the device and manage geo fencing settings.

Device Communication: Check details on the last day and time the system synched.

Notifications: Get notifications when the user’s device status changes, enable desktop and notifications and more.

Safe Browser: Another powerful Kids Place plugin that allows your child to browse the internet safely.