How to reset Kids Place Store app password

If you are not able to login to kids place store or have forgotten the password, please follow these steps.

  1. Start Kids Place Store app from the device
  2.  Tap on settings icon on top right corner
  3. Enter your Kids Place PIN
  4. Tap on Profile Settings. If you are redirected to login screen, please go to step 8, else go to step
  5. Please note the email and hit device back button
  6. Tap on the logout option (if you don’t see logout option, go to next step)
  7. Tap on login option
  8. Tap on forgot your password link
  9. Enter your email from  step 5 or the one you used to create the account and tap on Reset button
  10. You will get a new password in your email in few minutes. Please try to login with new password