
How to Set Parental Controls on ASUS ZenFone 5Z (ZS620KL)

How to Set Parental Controls on ASUS ZenFone 5Z (ZS620KL)

Kids always vie for the latest phones and gadgets. Be it Nintendo in the 80s or iPhone 6 in 2014,...

February 13, 2019
Which is the best app to limit screen time for kids?

Which is the best app to limit screen time for kids?

A majority of parents today are concerned about the amount of time their child is spending on phones and other...

February 13, 2019
How to download Kids Place parental controls on Vivo Nex?

How to download Kids Place parental controls on Vivo Nex?

The digital world has provided endless opportunities for the entertainment of our kids, but we all need to educate them...

February 7, 2019
Which is the best app to limit screen time for your kids?

Which is the best app to limit screen time for your kids?

Setting up the limit to a kid’s time spent on electronic devices is not an easy task, especially in today’s...

February 4, 2019
Parents, manage mobile phone used by kids! Use parental control apps

Parents, manage mobile phone used by kids! Use parental control apps

In this age of globalization, the demand and usage of mobile devices have increased exponentially and in today's digitally connected...

February 3, 2019
Problems faced when using a screen time parental control app

Problems faced when using a screen time parental control app

Technological development and latest innovations in digital gadgets have made them favorite pass time for the children. Children easily get...

February 2, 2019
Delightful deal: Get 20% off our top-rated parental control app! 20% Off.  
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